Stay up to date with the latest improvements, bug fixes, and new features in CivicPress. This changelog provides a detailed record of updates. Check back regularly to see what’s new and how we’re enhancing CivicPress to better serve your needs.
#0.5.4 – 3/25/2025
- ✨ New Support for “site alert” component
- 🔧 Fixed Custom button color on hover when text color is not explicitly defined
- 🔧 Fixed Update banner markup
- ⚡️ Improved Accordion button code
#0.5.3 – 3/20/2025
- 🔧 Fixed Pagination on search page template
- 🔧 Fixed Nav overflow mobile bug when using buttons
- 🔧 Fixed Post meta pattern alignment
- 🔧 Fixed Force button width update when switching variations
- ⚡️ Improved Use list pattern rather than bespoke code on search page template
- ⚡️ Improved Typography for summary box and alert boxes
- ⚡️ Improved Single post featured image is now constrained
- ⚡️ Improved Indicate external links in lists and navigation, except main header
- ⚡️ Improved Column patterns do not have a preset width by default
- 🛠️ Dev Conditional selection of custom JS style modifications in backend vs frontend
#0.5.2 – 3/5/2025
- 🛠️ Dev All relative links in Sass are now explicitly defined, so assets will not break if CivicPress is used with a child theme that recompiles the Sass from the parent theme
- ⚡️ Improved Adjust typography to more closely mirror size and weight of USWDS Prose
- ⚡️ Improved Adjust typography of citations
- ⚡️ Improved Adjust theme description
#0.5.1 – 2/26/2025
- ⚡️ Improved Streamline and update theme.json to the latest options, bump WP version accordingly
- ⚡️ Improved Tweak table styles
- ⚡️ Improved Tweak typography spacing
- ⚡️ Improved Better comments and doc headers in theme files
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed block pattern category display on Fast Facts pattern
#0.5.0 – 2/21/2025
- 🔧 Fixed Include border effect on hover of primary navigation items with submenus
- 🔧 Fixed Increase column spacing on the documentation page pattern
- 🔧 Fixed Update patterns with correct categories and bump WP version required number to 6.2 for new pattern categories
- 🔧 Fixed Adjust purple theme colors and fix theme color versions to be consistent with the primary theme
- 🔧 Fixed Correct labels for color themes
- 🔧 Fixed Added block-pattern-categories.php to handle custom registered block patterns
- 🔧 Fixed Removed legacy menu support
- 🛠️ Dev Added a new command that combines the build and compile commands into one
- 🛠️ Dev Added a shim that flushes the block pattern cache for local development when the WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE ‘theme’ constant is defined in wp-config.php
- ✨ New A new block pattern called Fast Facts. This block pattern allows you to quickly display key facts about an organization in a structured and visually appealing manner.
- ✨ New Added documentation for using the Fast Facts block pattern
#0.4.6 – 2/11/2025
- ⚡️ Improved More granular control of navigation spacing in theme.json
- ⚡️ Improved Adjust the specificity of default sizing
- ⚡️ Improved Honor editor styling with accordion buttons
- ⚡️ Improved Remove additional absolute values
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed core search button animation
- 🛠️ Dev Remove console log
#0.4.5 – 2/7/2025
- ⚡️ Improved Remove all absolute values (pixel sizes) in favor of USWDS and WP tokens
- ⚡️ Improved Improve responsive display of the Big Footer template part
- ⚡️ Improved Clean up the hierarchy of headings in archives and queries
- ⚡️ Improved Improved default spacing and block gaps
- ⚡️ Improved Images should no longer center-align by default
- 🛠️ Dev Removed custom styles that are now set in theme.json
- 🛠️ Dev Make all focus styles honor custom focus color in theme.json
- 🛠️ Dev Theme file organization
- ✨ New Replaced the Cog icon with a custom CivicPress icon in the dashboard menu
#0.4.4 – 1/21/2025
- 🛠️ Dev Update theme.json to version 3 for consistency
- 🔧 Fixed Removes explicit “theme”:”civicpress” declaration in all template parts, because this will break if the theme folder name does not exactly match “civicpress” (i.e. “civicpress-main” or “theme-project-name”)
- 🔧 Fixed Fix error in labeling XX-Small font size
- 🔧 Fixed Pagination no longer overflows its container
- ⚡️ Improved Improved image border consistency in the block editor and frontend
- ⚡️ Improved Typography improvements to line height and spacing defaults
- ✨ New Added term chip style support to term/category lists
- ✨ New Display flag in the header banner
- ✨ New Added the ability to display icons using inline code and via the Code block
#0.4.3 – 1/16/2025
- ✨ New Added Documentation for the Team Member Directory Block Pattern.
- ✨ New Created a new “Invisible” table style with no interior borders. Borders cannot be added in the editor.
- ⚡️ Improved Multiple enhancements to the Table Block Including:
- Standard, Striped, and Borderless tables should match the USWDS Design. Border size and weight can be overridden in the editor.
- ⚡️ Improved Responsive Stacked Table variation stacks tables by row and inserts the headers, similar to USWDS design.
- 🔧 Fixed Multiple fixes to the Accordion Group Block.
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed additional query pattern image display issues that affected border presentation.
#0.4.2 – 12/9/2024
- ✨ New Added a Settings Page. This is where the Headers and Footers Scripts are now located.
- ✨ New Integration with Easy Digital Downloads
- ✨ New Added Documentation For several Block Patterns to the Docs Directory.
- ✨ New Added a New Team Member Directory Block Pattern
- 🔧 Fixed The Borderless Style for the Table Block Is Now Applied Correctly
#0.4.1 – 10/24/2025
- ✨ New Replaced Theme Preview Screenshot With a New One
#0.4.0 – 10/17/2024
*** Breaking Change: New naming conventions for Base Colors to enable support for Dark Mode
- ✨ New Added Dark Theme Style Variation in Site Editor
- ✨ New Added Color Palette Presets in Site Editor
- ✨ New Added Custom build process to integrate color palette selection into USWDS Sass build process
- ⚡️ Improved Replaced Twitter Icon with X Icon
- 🛠️ Dev Updated USWDS version to 3.9.0
- 🛠️ Dev Bumped WordPress tested version to 6.6 and required version to 6.0
- ✨ New Added icons from the USWDS icon library for the List Block – In an ordered list, you can change the bullet point to one of the supported icons that are included
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed: Fixed styling for the List Block when the default style has not been explicitly applied
- ✨ New Added block and Gravity Forms filters
- ✨ New Adds USWDS Variant of the Table Component
- ✨ New Added a USWDS Alert Component
- ✨ New Added a USWDS Summary Box
- ✨ New Added settings page for Header and Footer scripts
- ✨ New Added Styles to in-page pagination
- 🛠️ Dev Removed unused files from previous versions
- ⚡️ Improved Typography changes to improve the representation of font sizes in the editor
- ⚡️ Improved USWDS integration style fixes
- ✨ New Adds support for Gravity Forms Orbital Styling
- 🛠️ Dev Refactored the theme so that it fully supports FSE (Theme JSON Integration)
- ✨ New Added a number of accessibility improvements
- ✨ New Added support for vertical navigation styling
- 🔧 Fixed Fixed custom accordion control so it only appears on accordion buttons
- 🔧 Fixed Admin bar for logged-in users no longer blocks top of content
- 🔧 Fixed Numerous visual bug fixes
- ⚡️ Improved The pagination group and block now appear on the search results page
- ✨ New Initial release